DC films investigation: And it begins at the end

Remember! Remember!

Open your eyes as the fandom has been polluted by toxicity while lady justice is blind as usual.
Check the comparison of the media coverage on two fictional characters

Last time the campaign had begun after the toxic cloud* was surprised with the
announcement of Batman and Superman being in the same movie, which lead to insecurity. 
This time it was an experimental film that did well at film festivals.

To the hardest of the hardcore fans out there who claim to be comic book elitists or the comic book movie fans who have sunk themselves in nostalgia so deep that if nostalgia strained itself and pushed harder you might fall out of nostalgia's posterior hole. I say this:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

And on a side note: If you want to stop school shootings, then stop selling guns to minors. SIMPLE! Joker or Thanos cannot save or inspire you, even though Thanos is a real hero 😁

toxic cloud* - keyboard warriors, internet SJWs, insecure fanbois of the opposition, paid smear campaigns, etc etc etc


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