Social Justice Wars investigation: VIII Bonus pt 1. entry #3
I bet that was a confusing a$$ title 👮
I'm watching this unbelievable horror documentary called Star Wars the last Jedi BONUS Part 1. The production unit and artists are all incredibly polite and kind to this scary looking little fella with his weird little laugh. And WOW Mark ain't impressed at all.
He's worried that nothing looks the way he thought it would. [How would it? 💃]
Oh wait... "Rian, this is not going to go the way you think!" (Sorry couldn't help it, c'mon I'm not as toxic as ign or rotten tomatoes and they love last jedee 👀)
This is a must watch. Usually we're not cool if you haven't played Force Unleashed 1 & 2 and if you haven't seen Clone Wars, Rebels, Clone Wars. And now, I don't care. But this Bonus Part 1 of the last jedee is a must watch. Drop everything you're doing right now and watch this.
There are these dialogues in the film if you've noticed, "this is not going to go the way you think", "burn the past, burn the past, burn the past", bruh why don't you show us instead of repeating these lines throughout the movie. Could've shown us a whole lot of stuff instead of having a rebel ship move slowly for the entire film, only to pull a Rian-Johnson-twist-back-to-square-one. Kamikaze is not victory. And even Princess Leia agreed, in your movie, the last jedee. And if you're gonna copy Clone Wars and Rebels and steal stuff from the star wars expanded universe (expanded universe is the books: novels/comicbooks, now renamed as Star Wars legends) it would be wise to copy properly. Instead of taking the good things and turn them into el stupido variant.
At times it feels like a docu-drama more than a documentary. Cause here's this guy, the director, Rian Johnson. And it feels like he's conscious about the documentary camera the whole time. Since he knows they're following him around everywhere. It feels like he's performing while everybody else is focusing on real life. Wait, I don't hate him. I'm not like the toxic cloud* gang. I hate what he did to the film, though. As for the documentary, it feels like he was trying to be cute. May be that was his idea of showing his version of reality.
An approximate excerpt from a legendary discussion:
Rian: Hi J.J. Here's my final draft of the force awakens sequel
J.J. Abrams: Y'know what I'm not even gonna read it, I trust you completely, do with it what you want...
What's the point of pre-production and production when you don't even have a plan. If you're here to just please Kathleen Kennedy and a bunch of SJWs (who aren't even a significant number in terms of general audience/fans/movie goers), then that plan isn't enough to make a star wars film. All of those costly sets, costumes, vfx and John Williams' score are all useless if you don't have a story.
Apart from the sad stuff, how the cast try their best to stay focused while confused about what's going on... there is light in this documentary. Not talking about Mark Hamill's sense of humour or his hard work to keep the set a fun place to work at. It's Daisy Ridley.
Unlike the toxic cloud* I'm all for a good story / good movie. I'm open to experimental film making / narrative. But you need to have a story. For you to tell and for us to see. You will not believe the stuff Rian's done unless you've seen The Last Jedi Bonus Part 1.
Apart from the sad stuff, how the cast try their best to stay focused while confused about what's going on... there is light in this documentary. Not talking about Mark Hamill's sense of humour or his hard work to keep the set a fun place to work at. It's Daisy Ridley.
At the peak of her transformation, right in the middle of the story. Right in between The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker. Daisy Ridley looks incredible. And she's a hardworking performer. You can see that, in the movies and in the documentary. It's a crime that her character couldn't find what she was looking for. Even Elsa and Anna found answers in Frozen 2.
Poor Rey never got what she wanted. Why shouldn't the lead actor, the hero of the story (the main hero, Rey) get at least 10% of what she wants in a storyline that's about to last for an entire unplanned trilogy. And that's not even Rey / Daisy Ridley's fault.
Even the chance of getting redeemed by papa Lucas and J.J. script for the third movie was completely ruined and interfered by the Kathleen Kennedy and the Bob Iger cut (which we got at the theatres, for the rise of skywalker).
Lets just celebrate Daisy Ridley / Rey in silence
Got distracted there, sorry. I'm now afraid to watch Bonus part 2 and I think there's a part 3 as well. If it affected me like this part 1 did, you'll definitely hear it from me. With that, I'll conclude by saying the force is not abandoned, only misplaced. Trust you must in the force and those capable of mastering it.
The new set of sequels is a true gift for the older star wars fans who complain too much about the prequels. I wanna say a slap on the face but I'm not sure if it's hurtful enough 😄
PS: However we still need to treasure this movie, not just because all those who like this film are Doofus Rick(s) which most of the prequel-haters are... Cause this is the closest we'll ever get to a star wars film directed by Jerry from Rick and Morty...
toxic cloud* - keyboard warriors, internet SJWs, insecure fanbois of the opposition, paid smear campaigns, etc etc etc, And Older Star Wars fans who hate the prequels [Doofus Rick(s)].
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